There has been so much on my mind that was blog-worthy, but not much time to sit down and organize my thoughts coherently. So, I'm going to give you the bullet points of what's on my mind lately:
- New Church Home: I am soooo excited that VRCC is moving forward with the purchase of the building at Edmonds & Corporate! Room for children's classes, adult classes, youth classes, nursery, fellowship, worship, and more! I can't wait to get in there and start cleaning, painting, and decorating. I haven't felt like nesting this much since I was pregnant (okay, I know that was only 6 months ago, but, you know what I mean)!
- Joshua: He's six months old now! Yikes! He's sitting up, rolling, grinning, babbling like crazy, and beginning baby foods. He absolutely loves his big sister. I am head over heels for this little guy myself. He's so laid back and happy all the time. What did we do before he was here? I know I'm super busier, but it all works out most days.
- Katelyn: She's 3 1/2 now! Thankfully, we just got her in a preschool 2 days a week, so her social needs are being met a little better now. Every morning she would get up and say, "Where are we going today, Mommy?" That was my first clue that she needed more stimulation than I could give her with Joshua here. She's at Saturn Road COC Preschool, which is a looooong drive, but actually not much farther than Butterfly School was last year.
- Halloween: While this is nowhere close to my favorite holiday, I recognize it for what it is--free candy and precious photo-ops for the kiddos. Katelyn has 2 Fall Festivals & Trick-or-Treating at the mall coming up. Can we say "sugar high"?
- Breastfeeding/Lactivism: Okay, Paul, you can skip this section. I've been reading some interesting blogs lately on the topics of breastfeeding-specifically, nursing in public. We are now at the 6 month mark with Joshua, and I really feel like I can do this all the way to a year now. I weaned Katelyn to formula at 8 months and felt so guilty, but also like I couldn't do it anymore. Now I think I was just too uptight and didn't have enough support to do it anymore. This time around, I still feel somewhat unsupported (except for Randy-he's such a good daddy & husband), but a lot more relaxed. The main difference is that I pretty much refuse to be shoved in a back closet every time he needs to eat. I know my readers (all 4 of you) have a variety of different opinions on this, but I think the main reason women give up on bfing is because they are made to feel like it is shameful, dirty, gross, and so on, so they must hide themselves away to do it, but if you give a bottle, you can do that anywhere, so you begin to feel that the only way to get out and resume a "normal" life is to give a bottle. This time around, the only place I haven't nursed is in the auditorium at church. I have learned to nurse very discreetly and most people don't even realize what I'm doing, and no one has ever said anything negative to me about nursing in public. I'm just not willing to risk an uproar at church over something so silly. However, I'll be darned if I'm going behind that curtain anymore. I'm not doing anything gross or perverted, so I'm not going to hide back there. Okay, off the soapbox. If you want to read more, try here or here. Keep in mind that I don't agree with all the positions on these sites, but they will definitely give you something to think about.
- Healthier Lifestyle: I don't like to talk about this too much, but I recently joined Weight Watchers and have lost 7.6 pounds so far. I'm eating healthier and trying to get more exercise and both of those are good things for our whole family. 'Nuff said.
- Blogging: Even though I rarely comment and even more rarely post, please know that I keep up with all of you through your blogs and enjoy them very much. Wade makes me laugh out loud almost daily!
Well, that's all for now. Have a great day, folks!