Monday, December 17, 2007


Okay, I've been tagged twice, both times by my sisters, so here goes...

Words that describe me using the letters of my middle name:
(sucks that my middle name is so long)
Eldest (all that birth order stuff really does ring true)
Loving (especially to my dear children)
Insightful (when I'm not completely exhausted)
Zany (not a whole lot of z adjectives out there)
Accomplished (at least I think so)
Bathroom Humor (this may surprise some of you, but I love a good fart joke!)
Eclectic (in my tastes-such range must be sign of genius)
Thoughtful (I do try...)
HSO's (hot sports opinions-I've got 'em!)

12 Random Christmas Facts:
1. Christmas is by far my favorite holiday! I love finding just the right gift and seeing the expression on the person's face when they open it. This is why I hate shipping gifts to people out of town. I would rather be there when they open it, even if they have to wait until July!

2. I usually decorate all out for Christmas, but this year we only have a tree and stockings out. I may get out a little more, but all of our surfaces are covered with kid stuff and I don't relish keeping little fingers off my precious snowmen, so they may be in storage for a couple years. At least they will seem all new when they re-emerge.

3. Our tree is 7 1/2 feet tall and pre-lit. I love it! Especially cause we got it for $75 dollars (originally over $275) after Christmas a couple years ago.

4. I'm the only one here that doesn't have a stocking made by my grandmother. My mom made mine when I was born.

5. This year's Christmas card was the first professional photo we've ever used. I think it turned out really well and may have to keep that as our new tradition.

6. I prefer to be at my own home for Christmas. When we are anywhere else, there tends to be too much hoopla and other people. It makes for cranky kids and, frankly, cranky LaRae.

7. This is Joshua's 1st Christmas and Katelyn's 4th. Don't really have point, but that's pretty random.

8. I love to decorate with snowmen, especially ones with blue hats, mittens, and scarves. BUT, I am thinking of changing to red/white peppermint or gingerbread men or both. Just an fyi if anyone is planning to add to my collection.

9. My mom used to always make cinnamon rolls for us to eat for breakfast on Christmas morning. We have done it a couple times since I've been grown, and it is fabulous. I would consider making this a tradition for my family, but it is a lot of work to do by yourself. And face it, I would be doing it by myself...

10. Running out of random Christmas facts. How about places I've spent Christmas morning: my childhood home in Woodstock, GA; my Grandma & Grandpa Brown's house in Farwell, MI; my Nana & Daddy Ray's farm in Lake Butler, FL; my Uncle Ralph's mountain house in Waynesville, NC; Randy's parents home in Monroe, LA; our first apartment in Irving, TX; an our home in Carrollton, TX.

11. How about a funny Christmas story? When I was 1 1/2, Santa came to see all us cousins at my Nana's farm in FL on Christmas Eve. While he was talking with us, my uncles realized that the utility shed out back (where all our Christmas presents were hidden) had caught on fire. So, they were outside frantically putting out a fire and trying to "save Christmas" while Santa distracted us inside. My cousin, Susan's, presents bore the brunt of the punishment, so in the true spirit of Christmas, we all (of course, unwittingly) contributed to Susan's "Santa pile" from our own stashes and were never the wiser until about 3 years ago, when Joanna finally stopped believing so they could tell the story! ;)

12. Here's a final memory. One time, when I my other sister, Shelly, was very sick, she was home from the hospital when Santa and his elves came to visit. For some reason, Santa decided to come to our house for a personal visit. I was so excited even though Shelly was too little to really get it anyway. I also remember the elf made us wait in my room until Santa left because she said the reindeer were shy and didn't want to be seen.

Okay, Joanna don't tag me again. I don't tag anyone because I don't want too. If there was an S in my middle name I would have put Strong-willed!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Thank You For Your Support!

Okay, you guys surprised me! I never expected the first 2 comments on my breastfeeding HSO's to be men, and I really thought you would all just ignore that part and focus on the other things. Shows how well I know my friends, huh? I even got Linda to come out of lurkdom to comment!

Anyway, not too much going on in our neck of the woods. Right now, we are dealing with a lot of crazy sleep stuff. We're trying to teach Katelyn to go to sleep on her own and stay asleep later than 5:30 a.m. No, this problem did not just start with the time change. Anyway, we have a book by "The Sleep Lady" that is very practical, so we are working our way through things. The real downer is that she is getting in trouble at school because she is so tired in the afternoons. Having some serious doubts about whether she should be at the this school at this time, but I had my first parent-teacher conference earlier this week and her teacher seems to think she'll snap out of it with more rest and more time.

Success! I wrote the above yesterday and saved it, and this morning Katelyn accomplished all the goals on her sleep chart! She was so proud to get stickers in every box and is so much happier and less whiney this morning. Keep your fingers crossed for school...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Long Time, No Post

I know it's been a long time, but I'm a little busy with 2 kids over here, so give me a break!

There has been so much on my mind that was blog-worthy, but not much time to sit down and organize my thoughts coherently. So, I'm going to give you the bullet points of what's on my mind lately:
  1. New Church Home: I am soooo excited that VRCC is moving forward with the purchase of the building at Edmonds & Corporate! Room for children's classes, adult classes, youth classes, nursery, fellowship, worship, and more! I can't wait to get in there and start cleaning, painting, and decorating. I haven't felt like nesting this much since I was pregnant (okay, I know that was only 6 months ago, but, you know what I mean)!
  2. Joshua: He's six months old now! Yikes! He's sitting up, rolling, grinning, babbling like crazy, and beginning baby foods. He absolutely loves his big sister. I am head over heels for this little guy myself. He's so laid back and happy all the time. What did we do before he was here? I know I'm super busier, but it all works out most days.
  3. Katelyn: She's 3 1/2 now! Thankfully, we just got her in a preschool 2 days a week, so her social needs are being met a little better now. Every morning she would get up and say, "Where are we going today, Mommy?" That was my first clue that she needed more stimulation than I could give her with Joshua here. She's at Saturn Road COC Preschool, which is a looooong drive, but actually not much farther than Butterfly School was last year.
  4. Halloween: While this is nowhere close to my favorite holiday, I recognize it for what it is--free candy and precious photo-ops for the kiddos. Katelyn has 2 Fall Festivals & Trick-or-Treating at the mall coming up. Can we say "sugar high"?
  5. Breastfeeding/Lactivism: Okay, Paul, you can skip this section. I've been reading some interesting blogs lately on the topics of breastfeeding-specifically, nursing in public. We are now at the 6 month mark with Joshua, and I really feel like I can do this all the way to a year now. I weaned Katelyn to formula at 8 months and felt so guilty, but also like I couldn't do it anymore. Now I think I was just too uptight and didn't have enough support to do it anymore. This time around, I still feel somewhat unsupported (except for Randy-he's such a good daddy & husband), but a lot more relaxed. The main difference is that I pretty much refuse to be shoved in a back closet every time he needs to eat. I know my readers (all 4 of you) have a variety of different opinions on this, but I think the main reason women give up on bfing is because they are made to feel like it is shameful, dirty, gross, and so on, so they must hide themselves away to do it, but if you give a bottle, you can do that anywhere, so you begin to feel that the only way to get out and resume a "normal" life is to give a bottle. This time around, the only place I haven't nursed is in the auditorium at church. I have learned to nurse very discreetly and most people don't even realize what I'm doing, and no one has ever said anything negative to me about nursing in public. I'm just not willing to risk an uproar at church over something so silly. However, I'll be darned if I'm going behind that curtain anymore. I'm not doing anything gross or perverted, so I'm not going to hide back there. Okay, off the soapbox. If you want to read more, try here or here. Keep in mind that I don't agree with all the positions on these sites, but they will definitely give you something to think about.
  6. Healthier Lifestyle: I don't like to talk about this too much, but I recently joined Weight Watchers and have lost 7.6 pounds so far. I'm eating healthier and trying to get more exercise and both of those are good things for our whole family. 'Nuff said.
  7. Blogging: Even though I rarely comment and even more rarely post, please know that I keep up with all of you through your blogs and enjoy them very much. Wade makes me laugh out loud almost daily!

Well, that's all for now. Have a great day, folks!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I'm a Copycat and I'm Okay!

Many of you have expressed your opinion of what a (how did that go?) "HORRIBLE" blogger I am. So, I'm going to copy Kelly and give you little peek into my life. BTW, Kelly is my blogging hero. I don't know how she manages to update her blog so regularly. If, by some chance, both my kiddos are asleep at the same time, I'm in one of 2 places--bed or with a book for some peaceful reading. Anyway, here goes...

First and Last

First Memory: I very vaguely remember going to the hospital to see my sister, Shelly, when she was born (I was about 3). I got a baby doll bed from her (hence the tradition that Joshua carried on with Katelyn).

First Real Kiss: John (the little red-headed boy) on the Monster Plantation ride at 6 Flags over GA, the summer between 8th grade and high school. Talk about a boring ride turned fun! Hee, hee!

First Concert: Would you believe I've never been to a real "concert" concert. I guess my first faux-concert was Acapella at HU Uplift Camp. I know, I'm a lame-o!

First Love: Randy, of course! Everything else was just practice...

First crush: I was totally in love with Michael Jackson, back when he was still black and male and had all of his original parts. I remember my friend, Sonua, laughing hysterically when I said I wanted to marry him.

First thing you think in the morning: Already?!?

First book you remember loving: Are You My Mother?

First pet: Goldie, the hamster that I was afraid to hold. I ended up giving him away to a guy from school who had lots of hamsters and was all too happy to have one more.

First question you'll ask in Heaven: Where's Eve? I've got a bone to pick with that girl! :)

First thing you think of when you hear the word vacation: What's that?

First best friend: Emily Moore-my neighbor when I was little

Last time you dressed up: Gentry's wedding

Last thing you ate: Chocolate Teddy Grahams

Last CD you bought: Not sure, probably a Laurie Berkner or Wiggles CD.

Last book you read: Angry Housewives Eating BonBons

Last time you cried: When both of my kids recently decided to start their day at about 5:30 a.m. for the 3rd day in a row

Last movie you saw: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Mystery of the Black Pearl (during late night feedings); Madagascar (at the Kids Club matinee at Studio Movie Grill)

Last time you told someone you loved them: just a minute ago when Katelyn dog-piled me while I type this.

Last really funny thing you did: I have no idea. I'm sure some of you could tell me...

Last thing you watched on TV: Chain Reaction

Last Halloween costume: I dressed up as Morgan Whatley at VRCC's Fall Festival a few years ago. I miss hasseling him! :)

Last Concert attended: The Wiggles

Okay, Joanna and Paul. Your turns!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Joshua Ray has arrived!

Look, two posts in a month's time! Baby Joshua surprised us and arrived 4 days early on Monday, April 16th, at 9:11 a.m. He weighed a whopping 10 lbs., 0.6 ounces and was 22 inches long! My water broke during the 1st quarter of the Stars game Sunday night (don't worry, we were checked into the hospital in time to watch the end of the game) and he was born Monday morning. It wasn't "easy", but could have been much worse, and that's all I'll say about that for those of you who are squeamish about such things. I will say Joanna may never have children after going through this pregnancy and birth with me and learning all the fun ways God is still punishing us women for Eve's indiscretion in the Garden. That woman owes a lot of us a lot of apologies! I want to say thank you to all of you those who visited us in hospital and who have signed up to bring us food. We love you all and are always humbled to see just how much you love us, too. A special shout out to David for putting together what was quite possibly the girliest baby bed known to man for Joshua to give to Katelyn. Now that's a heart of service. Anyway, without further ado, here are the pictures I know you want to see...
Tired Mom & Joshua resting peacefully.
Katelyn with her David-assembled baby bed from Joshua. She's such a proud big sister.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Update--Just for you Wade

Alright, my blogging friends have been kicking my butt on updating. I would blame it on being verrrrry pregnant, but Kelly blows that out of the water! I'll just say that you guys have much more interesting things to blog about than I do, so I love to read and comment on your blogs. I have some church-y stuff I've been mulling over, but am hesitant to post, because I don't want to start any arguments, and I by no means have any answers to the issues floating in my head. Anyway, maybe later. For now, I'll say....

It's Great To Be a Florida Gator! AGAIN!

What are the odds of winning a football and a 2nd basketball championship right in a row both against Ohio St.! I'm thinking that they don't like us much up there right now, but that's okay. As I've always said, "If you're not a GATOR, you're GATOR BAIT!" Or as Katelyn so wisely puts it, "Gator CHOMP!" Cute story--during the football season, FL was playing LSU (the Price family favorite) and Randy said, "Katelyn, can you say 'Geaux Tigers?'" Katelyn vehemently declared, "No, Daddy! Gator CHOMP!" I wasn't even there to coach her! How's that for a kid who has her priorities straight? It's also fun to see FL get all this glory, since I've been a Gator fan since I was born. I don't mind bandwagonners too badly, but it is more fun if you've always been a fan, thorough all the ups and downs and quaterback sharing and Spurrier leaving, and so on. I'll admit I don't watch NCAA basketball until the Final Four and only if FL is playing, but with the Mavs and Stars, there's just too many games to try and watch!

Alright, my Florida statement has been made until next football season.

Joshua Update: Not much to say. If you want to know about centimeters and other stuff, you can call or email me (in deference to my childless friends who get creeped out by that gunk). Suffice to say, he will be here on or before April 20th. My doctor tells me this as if it's a great revelation. I vote sooner than later because he's getting awfully big, but would like to make it through Easter Sunday now that I'm this far.

That brings me to Easter--by far my favorite "religious" holiday of the year. I love Christmas, but really can't buy too much into the Baby Jesus angle. It's fun to talk about the nativity with a child, but isn't really a Biblical holiday to me. Easter, on the other hand, is all about resurrection, reconciliation, and renewal. Coincidence that this whole event happened in the Spring? I don't think so. Everything around us (especially our irises) is growing and awakening from a winter slumber. I feel as if I am, too. Looking forward to Sunday.

He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Even Bigger News!

Yes, it has been a long time since I posted. No, the news is not that I updated. I'm not going to pretend to be more busy than other people who blog, but mothering a 2 year old and being pregnant sure do a number on the old brain! Most days I find it hard to string together 2 or more coherent thoughts. Anyway, enough excuses. On with the news...

IT'S A BOY!!!!

Joshua Ray finally decided to quit being stubborn and overly modest! Of course we are thrilled to death. I really thought I had my heart set on another girly girl, but find myself anxiously anticipating the prospect of being a boy mom.

Please don't tell me to rush out and get a copy of James Dobson's "Bringing Up Boys". I'm sure it's great, but he and Gary Ezzo are on my list of so-called "experts" to ignore the most. I prefer experts like Lori Haynes, Lori Dossey, Cheryl Wallace and the many others who have been there, done that in the trenches. Experts whose credentials are clearly on display every playgroup, Sunday School event, and worship service. Experts who freely admit that they are not experts, have made many mistakes, will make more mistakes in the future, and continue to do the best they can with God's guidance.

Okay, off the soapbox, LaRae. I think the most exciting thing to me right now is the chance to do a cowboy room for Joshua when he gets older. I'm enjoying putting together Katelyn's big girl Fairy Princess room and can already see Joshua's big boy Cowboy room in my head! I really just can't wait for 3 more months to pass and for the little guy to be in our arms!

Alright, time to go finish getting ready for Bunco. Gotta finish the cake, make the salad and set the tables!

Love to you all and thank you for your prayers!