Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Even Bigger News!

Yes, it has been a long time since I posted. No, the news is not that I updated. I'm not going to pretend to be more busy than other people who blog, but mothering a 2 year old and being pregnant sure do a number on the old brain! Most days I find it hard to string together 2 or more coherent thoughts. Anyway, enough excuses. On with the news...

IT'S A BOY!!!!

Joshua Ray finally decided to quit being stubborn and overly modest! Of course we are thrilled to death. I really thought I had my heart set on another girly girl, but find myself anxiously anticipating the prospect of being a boy mom.

Please don't tell me to rush out and get a copy of James Dobson's "Bringing Up Boys". I'm sure it's great, but he and Gary Ezzo are on my list of so-called "experts" to ignore the most. I prefer experts like Lori Haynes, Lori Dossey, Cheryl Wallace and the many others who have been there, done that in the trenches. Experts whose credentials are clearly on display every playgroup, Sunday School event, and worship service. Experts who freely admit that they are not experts, have made many mistakes, will make more mistakes in the future, and continue to do the best they can with God's guidance.

Okay, off the soapbox, LaRae. I think the most exciting thing to me right now is the chance to do a cowboy room for Joshua when he gets older. I'm enjoying putting together Katelyn's big girl Fairy Princess room and can already see Joshua's big boy Cowboy room in my head! I really just can't wait for 3 more months to pass and for the little guy to be in our arms!

Alright, time to go finish getting ready for Bunco. Gotta finish the cake, make the salad and set the tables!

Love to you all and thank you for your prayers!


Wade said...

Yeah! Congrats!

I like your list of boy-experts! I wish there was something I could tell you about raising a boy. But it's only been about 6 weeks and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm supposed to know when to jump up to the next size in diapers! So, yeah - stick with your list.

As usual, I am of little help unless a science project is involved . . . and even those can be a little dicy!

Congrats again!


Wade said...

2 words: Congratulations! & Update!

The congrats is for Florida over Ohio State . . . again! I'm sure you know what Update is for.