Saturday, May 03, 2008

Win a Free Ergo Baby Carrier!

Just wanted to give everyone a chance to win one of my favorite baby carriers. Randy just wore Joshua in this all through Magic Kingdom (pics to come soon, I hope) and it was really comfortable. Anyway, visit Along for the Ride to enter. Good luck, all!


Linda said...

This really is one of the best carriers ever. I've used it with both my babes! LOVE IT! :o)

GliterallyScoot said...

Hm... I wonder if Sprinkles would fit in it well?

You know they carry things that look like ring slings for dogs at That's the brand of his airplane bag, and I noticed them on the site a while back and forgot to tell you. :-) They're pretty funny -- although not as hilarious as the carriers that you put the dog's legs through and carry him like a purse.