OK, Kent, don't faint; I'm updating my blog. I hope to be better at this from now on, but no promises!
So much is going on, I don't really know where to start. I guess it should be with my pride and joy. Katelyn is getting so big! She's almost 2 (five weeks to go) and is practicing for the terrible twos on an hourly basis. I try to remember that she just wants to assert her own personality, and I really can't blame her for that. She gets it all from me. But sometimes, I just want to say, "Please do something the easy way for once!" Mostly, she keeps me chuckling as she parrots everything I say and is branching out on her own with new words I don't think I've even used around her. The other day, she knocked over her tray table with her crayons on it. No big deal, really, but she looks at me, puts her hands on her cheeks and say, "Oh, gosh!" I died laughing and she looked at me like, "This isn't funny. My crayons are all over the floor!" She's counting to 10 and is now trying to learn her alphabet. At this rate, she'll be reading by her next birthday, which is no surprise if you know me at all.
Alright, enough about Katelyn, even though she is the inspiration behind my latest venture. Most of you know that I sell Discovery Toys, but that is a lot of work and I'm not one to pressure my friends into buying things, even if they are really awesome educational products. So I'm backing off on that-I'll still send out each season's catalog and sale announcements, but no more begging people to have parties. Anyway, anyone with a little girl knows that the most important accessory to keep people from saying "Oh, what a cute little
boy!" is a hairbow. I've spent as much as $10 on one bow (shh-don't tell Randy), but what is a bow, really, but a few scraps of ribbon glued to a clip. So
Jo and I decided to try our hand at making them. We all know that any information you could ever dream of needing is available on the internet, so we "googled" hairbows. I mean if you can find instructions for a bomb online, surely you can find how to make a cute hairbow. Not so, my friends! As I've already pointed out, hairbows are a
hot commodity (that reminds me of a silly song on one of Katelyn's CDs, but I digress). That being so, no one is really willing to part with the knowledge of how to make them and risk losing well-paying customers in the process. Now, you can
buy instructions for $20-$30, but that's quite an investment for someone as clumsy as I am. Finally, we found a sweet lady who had published how to make
korker bows. These are really cute and relatively easy, so Jo and I bought some ribbon and dowel rods and we're off. Two Sister Boutique Bows is officially my new business (along with Jo, of course, she's the other sister)! If anyone is interested, we can custom design a bow to match any outfit. Give us a shout at
My other big venture right now is in a completely different arena. I've joined
Lifetime Fitness and am seriously trying to get in better shape. Unlike the myriad crazy people at our
church, I am not training for a marathon, just trying to be better able to keep up with Katelyn and feel better about myself along the way. Wish me luck-so far so good.
I've spent a lot of time reading other people's blogs lately, and here are a few of my favorites:
Kent Benfer-my good buddy.
Reverend Mommy-I just love her screen name!
Church Chick-Reminds me of my mom.
Church Marketing Sucks-Great resource and lots of good, hilarious links.
I hope everyone out there is doing great. I've got to go curl some ribbon...