Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Spring Sing, Workouts, and a Certain 2 Year Old

Went to Spring Sing at Harding this weekend. Didn't really see many people we knew (or least, not many we cared about seeing-not you, Eric). Unfortunately, today's college students are apparently unable to put on a show of much quality, at least in my old fogey eyes. The first half was strictly a yawn, except for the Jazz Band, always a crowd favorite. Allen had a hot trombone solo and even got a closeup on the big screen. This made Katelyn grab my chin, point my face towards the screen and proclaim, "A-yen!" Quite possibly the cutest moment of the weekend. Overall, the trip was good. I love to get nostalgic, so walking across campus was kind of nice. I find myself already wondering if Katelyn will go there or opt for the closer to home ACU. Of course, she may decide to go a completely different route, which could be fine, too, depending. Back to HU, they are facelifting a lot of the old, decrepit buildings. This is fine, as most of them were of the pre-fab-looking variety of the 60's and 70's. However, I heard they will be "doing" Pattie Cobb dorm next. This frightens and potentially aggravates me. Pattie Cobb is the last historic building left on campus-from when HU was Galloway Women's College. If they mess up the beautiful brick facade, the wide balconies on either end, or the awesome "Hercules" columns at the entrance, I will be quite peeved. That said, I have to believe that administration has more sense than that and the improvements will be interior only.
Anyhoo, I'm sure anyone who's not from Harding could care less, so....what's next?

After 2 weeks off, I finally got back to the gym today. Between visiting family, a stomach bug, and going out of town, I was afraid I would never get back. Don't misunderstand. Anyone who knows me IRL, knows that I am far from a buff fitness freak. However, since the new year, I have been making an effort to workout 3-4 times a week for my overall well-being. Time for Mom to do something for herself, ya' know? I haven't really lost weight, but my shape is changing and I am slowly able to build up to a faster, longer treadmill walk. My favorite thing is the water aerobics, though. I discovered a new class called Hydrocycle which is exactly what it sounds like: a special stationary bike designed to sit on the pool bottom. Fun workout! I've found that I can push myself a lot harder and do a lot more than I thought I could when the choice is to keep going or wimp out in front of a whole class of other people. So, for once, my neurotic worrying about what others might think of me actually benefits me! Today was grueling, though. I have a feeling I may hobble into church tomorrow night...

Katelyn is full in the throes of being a 2 year old. When I'm on the other computer, I'll publish my pics of her tantrum to charming in 15 seconds act. It's really quite hilarious, if I do say so myself. Honestly, if I keep my perspective and just laugh at her, I do pretty well. And, no, I don't laugh in her face while she's pitching a fit (usually). Would you laugh at a ranting woman in the throes of PMS? It feels as if that's what this is, really. A preview of what life with a PMSing adolescent girl will be like. Ew, not thinking that far ahead anymore. Scary.

I think I've rambled enough. For my 2 or 3 readers, I hope you're not expecting any great philosophizing from my site. It's mostly a place to get out my thoughts and record what's up with us here in Carrollton. I have discovered a fairly large contingent of VRCC bloggers out there recently. So here's a quick shout out to all of ya'll. If I was a little better, I could link to all your blogs, but I'm doing good to bookmark them in my own Favorites folder on IE, so...sorry. Have good and get give. LaRae out.


GliterallyScoot said...

Ha! Out of all the things to get upset about at HU -- Pattie Cobb Dorm. For all you non-Harding people, it really is a pretty building, and tearing it up would tick the alumni off... So instead of PMS, would you say Katelyn is TMSing? Toddler Madness Syndroming? Or maybe TTS -- Toddler Tantrum Synodrome... :-) Wouldn't it be nice to have some simple little initials instead of something that sounds so mean like "terrible twos?"

Eric Swayne said...

Well, good to know I rate SOMETHING in your eyes! Word to yo' motha', VRCC!