Wednesday, April 19, 2006

As Promised...

here are the pictures of Katelyn from a few weeks ago. She asked me to take her picture. Then she throws herself down and screams when I try to do so.

So I decide to take a picture to show her how she looks when she does that. At the flash, she stops screaming and sits up like, "Huh?" Then she sort of smiles, so I take another picture.

Finally, she decides to stand up, pose, and say, "1, 2, 3...cheeeeese!" What a ham!

Anyway, that's life with a 2 year old! BTW, yes, her shirt does say, "My mommy is the prettiest." And don't you forget it!


GliterallyScoot said...

Wow. What a face! :-) She sure cleans up nice...

Phylemon said...

I'm going to do my best to ignore the spam above. Anyway, I wanted to say that after subbing in the nursury last night I'm officially smitten (Jennifer's word, not mine) with Katelyn. She came up to me with book in hand and took great pride in reading it to me. Not just counting, as I have seen her do before, but she knew the whole thing. One baby was clapping (clear as a bell), Six babies drying off. I've never heard her so verbal. When time was up, I stopped her and told her it was time to, "clean-up". She looked at me, smiled and repeated, "Clean Up" as she went around picking toys up. You and Randy are doing just an awesome job with her. The contest is over, Katelyn is officially the world's cutest kid.

txmommy34 said...

I finally figured out how to get rid of the comment spam! :) Thanks for being patient. Paul, thank you! I'm so glad to hear that other people can actually understand her. I'm also glad she's being more social and friendly. As for being cutest kid, thank you, but we already knew that! ;)